Learn to shoot

Experience the joy of hitting clay targets even if you have never shot before.

Book a full one-to-one lesson or choose a Have-a-go taster session to try out the sport.



We’ll take you from novice to hitting targets in a one-to-one lesson.

A lesson with an expert coach covers the essentials needed to become a good shot:


Safety is a priority at all times.

You’ll learn to handle a shotgun safely, how to hold, fire and store it to ensure your safety and of those around you.


Get your technique right from the start and you’ll be a more accurate, confident shooter.

Target analysis

Knowing where to aim and how much lead to give the target is the key to clay shooting success.

We help you understand lead and put it into practice right from the off.

Gun mount

We’ll identify your dominant eye and help you mount the shotgun correctly to your face, so you both hold the gun correctly for accurate shooting, and avoid the bruising often associated with poor gun mount.

Gun fit

It’s not what a gun costs or how it looks that makes it the right gun for you, it’s how well it fits you and shooting style (not forgetting technique of course!)

We recommend you have lessons before buying a gun but if you have one, we can adapt it for you. Just request your free assessment when you book.


A one-to-one lesson is £95.00 plus cartridges (charged at £7.50 a box)

Your lesson will be approx 2 hours.

Personal protection and a shotgun are provided free of charge.

A block of 8 lessons is available: price on application


To book, call Barry on 07979 822812


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